Tuesday, May 25, 2010

EasyHits4U.com and why I'm obsessed.

It’s a simple concept. For every website I visit, someone will visit mine. Sounds solid. I know I can do that in my sleep… but then again, all the people visiting my site will feel that way too, they’ll be doing it in their sleep. Well obviously the trick is to make sure your site has something different to offer. But you say, I don’t have a web site. Well, you can also send people to any of your referral links. In fact, you can have a whole list of them, and assign your visit “credits” to any of the sites you have listed, in any portions you want.
What makes it even better, is that you can convert those valuable visits to banner impressions. This means that anytime someone visits a site (not necessarily yours) your banner could be shown at the same time. I like using this since many referral programs offer professionally made banners to use. I’ve been using my Swagbucks banner.
Now you say that a site visit is better than a banner, but I say, I get a hell of a lot of banner for just one visit “credit”.
Here are some miscellaneous benefits that add up to make this site quite something.
First, there’s no pop-up windows where you’re viewing the sites. As soon as your done with it a site, it takes you to the next without having to close anything.
Next, every 25 – 50 pages you view, bring up a bonus page with a random prize of more credits or banner impressions.
Also, for those of us that are interested in the money first, and the site exposure second, they do pay for viewing. It’s a ridiculously small $0.30 for 1000 sites, but it’s better than nothing. In fact, what is even better is the $0.10 for every 100 sites viewed by a referral. Weird, eh?
Lastly, you never run out of things to click. It just keeps bringing you to the next one.
I have my blog listed with them, as well as my Clixsense, Swagbucks and Opinionoutpost referral links. My Star Wars Swagbucks banner is working for now, but I’m going to try some of their other ones soon, too. Try it out. It’s surprisingly fun and addictive. If nothing else, it's worth a look around. I believe my blog has suffered due to this site, lol.

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