Friday, April 30, 2010

4 Days + 3 qualified Surveys =

$5.50! rocked this week. Cashed out $5.00 again!


  1. Awesome! I've found that this one has CRAZY runs where you can qualify like crazy... and the cashout threshold is so low (not to mention instant) that it's awesome!

    FYI: You're lucky. When I first joined the site back last summer, I had to wait for a check to arrive in the mail!

  2. Nah.... if you just use the amazon points, it's instant. They give you the code right away.

  3. Well I'm using Paypal for everything else, so my amazon funds will be growing quite slow. I think I will wait for the cheques, as much as that sucks.

  4. i don't know.... i kind of enjoy getting checks in the mail. it makes checking the mailbox a little bit more exciting each day!
