Monday, June 21, 2010

Dude, what's the deal (conversion rates) ?

So I wanted this site to be a Canadian PTC/Survey guide. And yet, I do all my reporting in USD, what's the deal. Well... it's just easier! That's what most sites work in. Instead of using the currency that only a few sites pay out in as my base, I go with the masses. That way, on the few occasions (like IPSOS yesterday) when I get a payout in CAD, that's the only time I have to see what it's worth in another currency. In this case, the $10.00 CAD was $9.79 USD. It's only 21 cents difference, I could have just pretended and lumped it in, but I wanted to be accurate at the time of Cashout.

Not to mention, most of my online buys will be in USD anyways.

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